How many times have you told yourself that you will get healthy for real this time?

The problem is, many of us are trying to fix decades of unhealthy habits over night without addressing the emotional and mental blocks that come with changing learned behavior.
This is why I created my Mindfully Fit Wellness Program. It combines nutrition, mindfulness, movement and increases your awareness around your emotions you carry on a day to day basis.
I believe our health and ability to treat our bodies with love is an extension of how we show up in the world. How we show up for our family, work, relationships, finances, etc.
What healthy looks like to you, may look different to someone else. But what we all know to be true is that you have to START somewhere for any change to happen. And stay committed to the process.
Healthy doesn’t mean daily salads and shredded abs…
– Healthy can be eating your favorite dessert without the guilt later.
– Healthy can be moving your body for 30 minutes and getting your family or friends involved.
– Healthy can be learning to eat foods that make your body thrive and still feel satisfied.
– Healthy can be drinking more water over soda.
– Healthy can be learning to love the naked body you see in the mirror because it’s a body you treat like a temple.
– Healthy can be viewing workouts as a blessing that you are still able to move and exercise freely.
Whatever healthy means for you. I want you to know that starting this journey is not always easy alone. Support, accountability and flexibility to adjust to is the difference between starting something and believing you can finish something.
I want to help you discover what healthy can look like for you if you are willing to do the work. Especially now where our health is something we need to cherish, don’t allow it to become a roadblock in your life. If this sounds like a step you want to take keep reading.
Click here to apply for the 12 Week Mindfully Fit Wellness Program

- 12 week meal recommendations
- 12 week workouts (no equipment necessary)
- Bi-weekly video calls with me
- Daily digital journaling prompts and real time feedback
- Weekly nutrition, mindfulness, and stress relieving strategies
- Reading and podcast material
- Texting community